Clubs Information Meetings

Meetings will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour, and will cover the following agenda items:

  • Review and interpretation of University policies and procedures
  • Presentation from the Club Coordination Council on supplemental funding opportunities
  • Election of Club Coordination Council division representatives (Spring CIMs only)

Every club is required to send the two officers to the Club Information Meetings. The two officers do not need to attend the same meeting, although are encouraged to attend their own division's CIM. Clubs not represented at one of the meetings could lose their recognition status with the University.

Please send at least one representative from your club to the appropriate meeting. If you club fails to attend, it will be taken into consideration during the appeal and/or winter allocation process.

NOTE: Please do your best to attend the CIM for your Division. If you or other officers cannot attend this meeting, you will not be able to vote for your representatives to the CCC in the annual spring elections.

Questions regarding CIMs should be directed to the Club Coordination Council.